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[정리] CR / LF

DOS / Windows에선 엔터를 CR+LF(\r\n), ASCHII 13(CR), 10(LF), Hex %0d%0a CR : Carriage return, 커서를 맨 앞에 위치시킨다. LF : Line Feed, 현재 위치한 커서를 한 줄 아래로 옮긴다.[출처] CR LF 정리|작성자 휘향 unix에선 일반적으로 LF만 사용하고 windows는 CR/LF를 모두 사용해야 함.


[자료] How to Hack Your Own Network and Beef Up Its Security with Kali Linux

출처 : http://lifehacker.com/how-to-hack-your-own-network-and-beef-up-its-security-w-1649785071Kali Linux is a security-focused operating system you can run off a CD or USB drive, anywhere. With its security toolkit you can crack Wi-Fi passwords, create fake networks, and test other vulnerabilities. Here's how to use it to give your own a network a security checkup. This post is part of our Evil W..


[자료] 카카오톡 E2E, PFS

http://likelink.co.kr/34478 쉽게 잘~ 풀어쓴 글 * OTRhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Off-the-Record_Messaging * Certificate pinninghttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transport_Layer_Security#Certificate_pinninghttp://yellowbirds.tistory.com/archive/201110?page=3

Security & DevOps