

[자료] 보안 점검 스크립트 작성 참고 링크

http://wiki.kldp.org/wiki.php/ShellProgrammingTutorial - 쉘스크립트강의http://blog.naver.com/ish430?Redirect=Log&logNo=40201971831 - grep 옵션http://blog.naver.com/hungry81?Redirect=Log&logNo=90106258583 - awk 옵션http://blog.naver.com/zzogling?Redirect=Log&logNo=40089207153 - wc 옵션http://blog.naver.com/7meaning?Redirect=Log&logNo=60209678893 - pam 설정http://firerain4.blog.me/120188801508 - if syntax 에러http..


[Tool] googlehacks

https://code.google.com/p/googlehacks/ 강력한 검색기능을 가진 구글에는 많은 옵션이 있는데 다 기억하기도 쉽지않고,, 해당 툴을 사용하면 여러모로 유용하게 사용될 듯 싶다.


[정리] windows 2008 보안 가이드라인

SUA ISMS 스터디에서 공부 목적으로 제작한 가이드라인입니다. 평가 항목 중 '위험도' 부분은 평가대상의 시스템과 비즈니스에 따라 모두 다르게 평가되기 때문에 포함시키지 않았고 행안부의 가이드라인을 주로 참고하였습니다. 피드백 주시면 수정 및 개정 시 반영하도록 하겠습니다.


[자료] 피들러 가이드

fiddler guide http://www.slideshare.net/taggon/fiddler-27055698


[자료] cisco ios

cisco ios download : http://www.4shared.com/dir/5716575/72cbe353/IOS.html#dir=FnFVGsYz http://www.mmnt.net/db/0/0/ https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=intitle:index.of+ios+parent%20directory+bin


[자료] Windows 7 계정 우회 접속 방법

Backdoor to Reset Administrator Password or Add New User in Windows 7 As long as there is physical access to a computer, it is always possible to gain access to the operating system even if it is password protected. For example, you can use Kon-Boot to login to any user account in Windows with any password by booting up the computer with the CD or USB. If BIOS is secured with a password to preve..


[Tool] 50 Best Hacking Tools!

Monday, February 03, 2014: Hacking tools have been said to make hacking quite easy as compared to the old days. But, there is still more to being a hacker than just that. Yes, these tools have made it simple, but that is nothing unless you have the knowledge about other aspects of hacking as well. We present tp you a set of must-have hacking tools. Wireless Hacking: These are tools that help you..


[자료] memory forensic 교육 자료

memory forensic 교육 자료 http://www.slideshare.net/suffert/2010-2013-sandro-suffert-memory-forensics-introdutory-work-shop-public


[자료] 패킷 샘플

https://traffic.moe/ https://github.com/security-onion-solutions/security-onion/wiki/Pcaps PCAP RepositoriesMACCDC - Pcaps from National CyberWatch Mid-Atlantic Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition http://www.netresec.com/?page=MACCDCWireshark Sample Capures http://wiki.wireshark.org/SampleCaptures http://wiki.wireshark.org/Development/PcapNg#Example_pcapng_Capture_FileDARPA Intrusion Detection ..


[Tool] 특정 프로세스 캡쳐

snoopspy를 이용해 특정 프로세스만 캡쳐하는 동영상입니다. tutorial : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzcKk-qpCfg snoopspy : http://www.snoopspy.com/download

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