[Tool] 레지스트리 자동분석 도구
[자료] Linux ProcDump
[자료] 윈도우즈 아티팩트
https://blog.1234n6.com/2018/10/available-artifacts-evidence-of.html?m=1&fbclid=IwAR195Ch1J6N1TGYFHUY375ZjPKGmxIshQaVzGXSsAkwwnZM9_Zyyio89psQ This week I have been working a case where I was required to identify users on a Windows Server 2003 system who had knowledge of, or had run, a particular unauthorised executable. As such, I found myself wracking my brain for all the user attributable arti..
[자료] Live Response: Collecting Volatile Data
[자료] 포렌식 실습 이미지
[자료] sysmon을 활용한 분석
[Tool] Android Forensic Tools - Andriller
http://andriller.com/ Andriller - is software utility with a collection of forensic tools for smartphones. It performs read-only, forensically sound, non-destructive acquisition from Android devices. It has other features, such as powerful Lockscreen cracking for Pattern, PIN code, or Password; custom decoders for Apps data from Android (and some Apple iOS) databases for decoding communications...
[Tool] Hidviz
https://github.com/ondrejbudai/hidviz/ Hidviz is a GUI application for in-depth analysis of USB HID class devices. The 2 main usecases of this aplication are reverse-engineering existing devices and developing new USB HID devices.USB HID class consists of many possible devices, e.g. mice, keyboards, joysticks and gamepads. But that's not all! There are more exotic HID devices, e.g. weather stati..