악성코드 검색 https://github.com/MalwareReverseBrasil/malwaresearch 익스플로잇 검색https://github.com/vulnersCom/getsploit 링크드인에서 정보검색https://github.com/dchrastil/ScrapedIn Online Hash Checker for Virustotal and Other Serviceshttps://github.com/Neo23x0/munin Tool for Network Scan, Man in the Middle, Protocol Reverse Engineering and Fuzzinghttp://www.kitploit.com/2017/08/nili-tool-for-network-scan-man-in.html..
뉴욕주 금융기관에 대한 사이버 보안규정(NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL SERVICES 23 NYCRR 500) 출처 : http://www.boannews.com/media/view.asp?idx=54243&kind=2출처 : http://www.boannews.com/media/view.asp?idx=54342&kind=3출처 : http://www.boannews.com/media/view.asp?idx=54450&kind=3 뉴욕주 금융기관, CISO 지정 및 위험평가 기반 사이버보안 시스템 운영 주정부 차원에서 금융업체에 사이버보안 시스템을 의무화한 것은 뉴욕주가 미국 최초로, 해당 금융기관들은 CISO(정보보호 최고 책임자)를 지정하고 위험평가(Risk A..
https://github.com/ondrejbudai/hidviz/ Hidviz is a GUI application for in-depth analysis of USB HID class devices. The 2 main usecases of this aplication are reverse-engineering existing devices and developing new USB HID devices.USB HID class consists of many possible devices, e.g. mice, keyboards, joysticks and gamepads. But that's not all! There are more exotic HID devices, e.g. weather stati..
https://n0where.net/linux-covert-execution-mimic/ What is “Linux covert execution”?Covert execution is the art of hiding a process. In this case, mimic hides the process in plain sight. mimic can launch any program and make it look like any other program. Any user can use it. It does not require special permissions. It does not require special binaries. It does not require a root kit.What?! No s..
80 Linux Monitoring ToolsIt’s hard work monitoring and debugging Linux performance problems, but it’s easier with the right tools at the right time. Here’s the most comprehensive list of Linux Monitoring Tools on the Internet.Command Line ToolsTopThis is a small tool which is pre-installed on many unix systems. When you want an overview of all the processes or threads running in the system: top ..