간략한 아티팩트 정리. 빠진것도 있음. Digital Forensics and Windows-The Windows ArtifactsSome of the artifacts of Windows 7 operating system include:- Root user Folder- Desktop- Pinned files- Recycle Bin Artifacts- Registry Artifacts- App Data Artifacts- Favorites Artifacts- Send to Artifacts- Swap Files Artifacts- Thumb Cache artifact.. APRIL 6, 2014ON REPORT WRITING FOR DFIRby Jan Previously I was talking in this space about how the truth should be your main client. About how you have to let go all preconceptions of things you think you know. Today I want to talk a bit about reporting.The report of your digital forensic investigation is the product you are exp..
Wireless Hacking: These are tools that help you hack into wireless networks. Wireless hacking tools though useful, do not make you a complete hacker. In order to achieve that, you must learn the different ways in which a secure network can be accessed. Also, you should work on making your own network as secure as possible. 1. Aircrack-ng 2. Kismet 3. inSSIDer 4. KisMAC Intrusion Detection System..